Saturday, November 26, 2016


Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone!  This was my first Thanksgiving away from my family, which was hard.  I'm incredibly thankful for the people in my life here in Florida for making that first a pretty great experience :)

We had a potluck at work during our breaks, and I brought a pumpkin pie.  I wasn't sure I was going to be able to eat anything, but several of my co-workers made vegan versions of their dish so I had a really yummy meal at work and got to spend time with friends. 
Wilderness Explorers!

Erin's family came down to visit for the holiday, so after work Liana and I joined them at Epcot for dinner at Biergarten.  It's the buffet restaurant in the Germany pavilion, and it was so nice.  The inside is decorated to look like a village in Germany, and there was a band that came out to play twice while we were there.  
Two members of the band playing different sized bells on the table
I wasn't really sure what I was going to be eating for dinner.  When I told the waiter I was vegan, he asked me to wait at the table and the chef came out to show me what I could eat on the buffet.  There were four different salads and two hot vegetables that were vegan, plus the pretzel rolls. So I was a happy camper :)
For dessert the waiter brought me out some berry compote and vegan cookies and chocolate
It's officially after Thanksgiving, which means that it no longer feels quite so early for holiday decorations to be up all over the place.

Bonus photo: Stitch got a hold of the Christmas tree lights and they're all tangled!
I hope everyone at home had a lovely holiday!

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