Wednesday, November 16, 2016

How to survive a hurricane

Hi everyone!

I am very behind on blogging, so I'm going to do a few posts that are mostly photos to catch up. Here's the first one!

This is a very late post, but I'm guessing everyone heard that Hurricane Matthew hit Florida in October and closed Walt Disney World for the first time in a long time and for only the fourth time in the park's history.  The storm hit late Thursday/early Friday (10/6-10/7) and ended up doing a lot less damage around me than people thought it would.  I was actually supposed to go home to visit on Thursday night after work, but the Orlando airport was closed from 8pm on Thursday evening to 8am on Saturday morning.  So going home didn't happen when it was supposed to (it just got pushed back, a post on that visit coming soon).  This was my first time dealing with a hurricane, so before the storm hit my roommates and I tried to make sure that we had the essentials: gas in our cars, non-perishable food, water.  Here's a list of things I learned/experienced during the storm. 

1. If the stores are out of water because you don't get to them until kind of late, improvise.

2. Before you lose power and after you've completed all of the essentials (showering, cooking hot food, etc.), baking is clearly the next most important thing to do. 

3. Temporary tattoos make being stuck in your apartment much more fun :D

4. Forts are clearly the only place to hang out during the storm.

5. You need to learn to play in the rain...

6. ...and no body part escapes temporary tattoos.

7. Even the remnants of the storm's violence have a certain kind of beauty. 

8. And the abundant fresh water around my community really rises when it rains. 

Like I said, the storm was nowhere near as violent/intense as predicted for my area, so we were totally fine.  It actually ended up being a really fun experience, because everyone in my apartment had off for the first time this internship, so we all hung out together.

One more post on my visit home coming tonight!

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