Wednesday, November 16, 2016


More photos to share what I've been up to in the last month!

I finally got to go home on Saturday morning after the hurricane.  I was actually on the first flight on my airline from Orlando to Newark after the storm. I was there until Monday afternoon, and it was wonderful :)

Alex and I got to play :D
I went to dinner at Ninety Acres with my parents, grandparents and aunt to celebrate my grandma's birthday and it was delicious. 
One of the courses: a delicious tomato salad with the last of the season's tomatoes. 
Much of the produce you eat at the restaurant comes from their fields right outside or their greenhouses nearby.
Nom nom nom
Dessert was chocolate sorbet, cherries and almonds.
Family <3 
Happy belated birthday Fairma!
I so miss my baby girl. 
And walking both of my babies. 
Fall. It's not a thing here in Florida, everything is just green. 
Love you both

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