Saturday, August 27, 2016

Fun Things

Here's a quick recap of the fun things that I've done in the last few weeks!

My friend Maggie and I got to go out on a boat with my Aunt Elaine and Uncle Greg and it was awesome!  The day we went out was kind of overcast and not too hot, which was really nice for being on a boat.  We also got lunch afterward at Sweet Tomatoes, and it was overall lovely to spend the day with family and friends :)
View from the boat
We're on a boat!
We saw goats! They just kind of hang out. 
Random bit of rainbow in the sky
With Aunt Elaine and Uncle Greg! Thank you both for such a nice day :)
Also that weekend, my friend Dario and I visited Typhoon Lagoon, the other Disney water park.  It was so much fun! We missed the big attraction there (snorkeling through a reef) because it started to thunder and lightning, but the rest of the slides and the wave pool were fun.
At Typhoon Lagoon
Yesterday I went back to Ethos (the awesome vegan restaurant in Winter Park) with friends for lunch, and it was delicious. Not quite as yummy as the first time, but still very good.
Vegan calzone with mushrooms, broccoli, onions and sausage. And that's vegan parmesan cheese in the corner. 
Erin and I split an ice cream sundae.  It was a beautiful thing
After lunch, we explored Disney Springs some and did some resort hopping. I especially appreciated the day to hang out with friends.
Awesome cake at a bakery in Disney Springs
Erin, Julia and I at the Grand Floridian!
Today, Erin and I went to Lake Louisa State Park and explored. We rented a canoe and went all around Lake Dixie for a while, then hiked along a nature trail and swam in Lake Louisa itself.  That was super weird, because there were tannins in the water that turned it red.  So when I opened my eyes underwater, my skin looked bright red. I thought I took a picture of it, but there doesn't seem to be one on my phone...
Cool Spanish moss
Fun fact: I've had this shirt since 2003
Where we launched
Back to work tomorrow, just for a day before I have Monday off. 

Hope everyone at home is doing well and good luck to everyone going back to school!

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