Saturday, August 6, 2016

Week six

Happy Friday everyone!

This was a bit of a crazy week, getting back into working after having a mini vacation.  It was a good week, with lots of fun stuff at work and play afterward.

At work, some highlights:
  • In one 1.5 hour shift at Headquarters, I
    • got a hug from a little girl
    • gave a two year old her senior explorer badge and she was adorable
    • had a family stop by without realizing they could earn badges there, they just wanted to get a picture with me because I'd given them a few badges throughout the day
    • spoke French to a woman and her daughter for whom I think it was very helpful
  • At our tracking badge, one little girl walked up to me and another presenter and said "I've always wanted to do this and now I can! This is a dream come true" and we melted
  • I had a few really nice conversations at our Insect Badge today.  Including one with a family  that had spent three years in Australia because the father is in the Air Force, and they told me about huntsman spiders there that are as large as small dinner plates...
  • We learned more about GRACE, an organization in the DRC that Disney partners with that is doing really important work to help gorillas there (Check it out!)
This was also a fun week after work.  One of my friend's birthdays was on Thursday (Happy Birthday Connor!), so a group of us went to Splitsville in Disney Springs to celebrate.  Courtney and I unintentionally matched, so of course we had to get a picture. 

On Thursdays we wear black
Friday was another presenter, Michael's, birthday (Happy birthday Michael!).  My friend Maggie hosted a Harry Potter themed party to celebrate, and she did such a good job with it.  There was butterbeer, Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans, hidden Horcuxes, Drooble's Best Blowing gum, and a perfect birthday cake.
Too good :)
Om nom nom tonight after work Ashley, Yuri and I went to Ethos Vegan Kitchen in Winter Park and it was so insanely delicious. We shared a veggie galette as an appetizer, and I had a meatball sub for dinner.  It was perfect.
I've kind of randomly been craving a milkshake for a while now, and I finally got one tonight.  It was almost too sweet for me, but also delicious.
Several errands have been creeping up on me, so that's mainly the plan for this weekend. 

Hope everyone's doing well at home!

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