Saturday, August 6, 2016

See ya real soon!

Final post covering Mom's visit.

On Tuesday night when we got back to the hotel, Mom and I went to the food court area and got beignets.  Which were super hot and covered in powdered sugar and delicious. And they had vegan beignets! So I was super excited. 
The toothpick thing in the upper right corner was a little stick in my container that said "Allergy" (for the vegan version)
Wednesday was the last day of her visit.  We had breakfast in the morning at the hotel, and then she got on the bus to go to the airport and I went to work.
Love you lots Mom
My mom and I really enjoyed staying at Port Orleans French Quarter, and I haven't really posted too many photos of the hotel, so here goes:
Just walking around outside was super pretty
We had a river view room
They had campfires and outdoor movies here
Cafe Au Lait Way
Another view from our room
I had an absolutely lovely weekend and loved getting to show my mom around the parks that I've now gotten to know pretty well.  She was so surprised/appreciative of the fact that we didn't need a map all weekend.  And exploring new yummy vegan food is always a good idea. 

Love you Mom, and I'll see ya real soon :)

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