Saturday, August 6, 2016

Mom's Visit Part Two

On Sunday, my mom and I had a day of shopping and trying cool food.  I got to take her to Cast Connection, and it was really cool to be able to share that.  We also went to Target (thanks Mom!).  

The cool food started when we drove into Orlando to eat lunch/dunch at the Dandelion Communitea Cafe.  It was an adorable restaurant that wasn't fully vegan, but the only thing that made anything on their menu non-vegan was if you chose to add real cheese.  We shared a salad and a sweet potato burrito, both of which were delicious.  Even the sides--hummus, black bean dip, and sweet pea guacamole--were super yummy. 
The outside of the restaurant was awesome
So cute! And not that far away...I'll be back
We went to Disney Springs in the evening on Sunday, and while that's always fun it was a little bit too crowded to be fully enjoyable.  I did get to show my mom Erin McKenna's (the vegan bakery), and we shared some soft serve ice cream from there.  One of my favorite parts of the night was actually the boat ride there and back from our hotel, which was along the Sassagoula River.

On Monday we went back to the parks for a very full day.  We started at Epcot, where we went on Test Track and a few of the classics like Figment and Spaceship Earth.  We also watched the Voices of Liberty perform at the America pavilion (an a capella group that sings Americana/folk songs) and the flag throwing show at the Italy pavilion (not sure exactly the name).  They were doing things with the flags that didn't seem like they were scientifically possible, so that was cool to check out.
Italian flag throwers
We also tried a mini baguette in France (really yummy and very reasonably priced) and a pretzel in Germany (such high hopes and not actually that good).
At least it was pretty
After Epcot and a break at the hotel, we went to Magic Kingdom.  Where we did alllll the rides. Well, not quite all of them but quite a few. 

I had work on Tuesday and met my mom for dinner after.  We went to a place called freshii, that had really nice bowls/salads/wraps.  It also happened to be next to a natural foods store that had so much vegan stuff. Pretty much everything I could possibly want to purchase that you can't get at a normal supermarket, so that was a really exciting find.  One thing I purchased that I would 100% recommend against was wink!, a vegan low-calorie "ice cream."  Doesn't sound too good when I describe it like that, I know, but I wanted to try it. And it was gross. 

Final post for Mom's visit coming up, which will include some pictures of the hotel!

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