Saturday, September 3, 2016

Trail's End Dinner!


I'm going to do a post covering fun stuff at work this week, but first a post about my dinner on Thursday.  Which was amazing and fantastic and delicious and any other positive food-related (or not) word you could think of.  Because I went to Trail's End with my roommates on Thursday evening, which is where Chef TJ works.

Chef TJ is a truly wonderful chef who's been with Disney for a while.  He's from Indonesia, and he's known online as someone who does a really great job handling dietary restrictions.  I'd read about this before Alex's and my trip down here in May, so we went to Trail's End for dinner and it was incredible.  Chef TJ cooked me a five course vegan meal, with plenty so that Alex could enjoy the regular buffet and taste everything I had.  I knew I wanted to go back and visit him again, so I invited my roommates to celebrate not going back to school with me and we went :)

On Thursday night, Erin and I ate what Chef TJ prepared and Liana and Haley enjoyed the regular buffet.  He outdid himself by making us a six course vegan meal. 

Course One: vegan nachos with his own homemade vegan cheese sauce
Course Two: spinach beet salad with a really nice sweet dressing on it
Course Three: potato and pea samosas
Course Four: corn chowder. Holy cannoli this was good
Course Five: a vegetable, tofu, rice dish. Which was delectable.  We asked what the flavoring was on it, and he said it had some sort of Indonesian ketchup-y thing that was sweetened with palm sugar; soy sauce and spicy mustard.  Erin and I had been trying to describe it, and it made total sense to me that we weren't able to name all the flavors because I've never had  some of those things. 
Final course: a dessert tower. Chef TJ brought out these two beautiful creations and then doused them in Hershey's syrup at the table. 
And a very happy Katie 
Very happy roommates :)
This is certainly not the last time I'll visit Trail's End during my internship--I already have plans to bring my family there for my birthday dinner, and I'll probably be back sometime before then as well.  It's just that good. And Chef TJ is just that nice, talented, humble and awesome. So, I highly recommend eating here, whether you have someone in your party with a dietary restriction or not.  I've heard really good things about the main buffet, both for breakfast and for dinner. 

Nom nom nom :)


  1. Hey! I have a ton of food allergies and Chef TJ always does an amazing job. Just a heads up, he usually only works on weekday nights. He's not there on the weekend! The other chefs at Trails End aren't as accommodating sadly.
