Sunday, July 10, 2016

Week Two!

Happy Sunday!

I have officially finished two full weeks at work, and I'm still loving it.

Some highlights from this week:

  • On Tuesday, I was heading for a break and I walked by a little boy and his father who saw my costume and stopped me.  Upon learning that he could do the Wilderness Explorer program again this trip (they'd done it two years ago), he actually started jumping up and down with excitement. 
  • At our Animal Call badge location (where we talk about animal communication), I had two little ones roar at me quite loudly.  When we teach the Wilderness Explorer call, part of it is "RAWR!", so I'm used to children roaring at me loudly when I ask them to.  However, these children roared at me without any prompting and quite enthusiastically. 
  • I'm getting more comfortable using my very basic Spanish at some of our badge locations, which in turn is motivating me to work on improving my Spanish more.  I've only had to call on my French once or twice, but I'm also planning to work on that.  It's a really good feeling when I am able to communicate with guests in a language other than English. 
  • One of my friends at work, Maggie, made the most delicious vegan treats this week and I was very happy. 
On Wednesday evening, a group of us went to Magic Kingdom after work to watch Celebrate the Magic (a show projected onto the castle), Wishes (the fireworks show), and the Main Street Electrical Parade.  While watching Wishes, I was reminded of how lucky I am to be working in a place where going to see this spectacular show was simply something I could do after work on a Wednesday.  I'm not forgetting that being here is something people pay loads of money for and plan months and years in advance, and I am very grateful to be here.
Celebrate the Magic
(Please appreciate the artistically placed Mickey balloon :P)
Last night, my roommates and I all had dinner together.  Erin and Liana made mofongo, a delicious dish made with plantains and oil and garlic.  All kind of mashed together, and we had it with broccoli, carrots and onions.  It was actually the first time we'd all gotten the chance to sit down and eat a real meal together, so it was lovely.

Two of the presenters have birthdays today, so after a lazy morning and some grocery shopping, I'm heading to Epcot to spend time in the World Showcase with a group.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

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