Monday, July 11, 2016

Birthdays and Universal

Yesterday was two of the presenters' (Ashley and Bryan) birthdays, so a group of us went and spent the afternoon/evening at Epcot to celebrate. 

We wandered around World Showcase and did some of the rides/attractions in Future World.  This week there's a Bruce Springsteen tribute band performing in America each night, so I went with friends to see one of their sets.  The Bruce music reminded me of home, so I really enjoyed it. 

A little weird seeing the tribute band after having seen Bruce in April, but still fun.
(Sorry I don't know how to rotate the picture on here)
I love all parts of Epcot, but something I'm recently realizing is a really cool thing to do while at the World Showcase is simply to talk to the cast members there.  Each country is staffed solely by people from that country, so you get the chance to speak with people from all over the world in one small area.  Last night we made friends with Julian in Norway and Susan in Germany. 
Julian and our troll friend
The group
Bonus photo is actually missing: My friend Maggie made these absolutely phenomenal vegan chocolate cupcakes that were stuffed with cookie dough.  I should have taken a picture of mine but I was too busy enjoying it to do so.

Today I went to Universal with another group of friends.  We stopped at Waffle House before going for breakfast, which was my first experience there.  It was a very good thing I had eaten before going, because I don't think there was actually a single vegan option on their menu.  Happy to have seen the inside, though. 

I purchased an annual pass to go to the park, because I get the Florida resident discount and it makes more sense to buy the pass if you plan on going at least three times.  As always, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was amazing.  
Candy at Honeydukes
(Kiddie lit friends: these made me think of Prof Gleason's lecture)
Vegan blood pops?
Durmstrang boys
Beauxbatons girls
Hermione's dress

Today was the first time I'd been over to Diagon Alley (it wasn't open yet when I went down with my family a few years ago) and it was so incredibly well done. You get over there from Hogsmeade by taking the Hogwarts Express, which is amazing.  You sit in a carriage that looks so much like the ones in the movie, and watch out the window as you leave Hogwarts behind, pass through the Forbidden Forest and then reach London.  

Upon exiting King's Cross, you go around a corner and through a "hole" in the brick wall to enter Diagon Alley.  It is so intricate and detailed and beautiful, and I actually just walked around with my mouth hanging open the entire time.  I'm pretty sure my friends thought I was crazy...oh well. The main ride there is Escape from Gringotts, which we did without too much of a wait. 
Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
Gringotts Bank, complete with fire breathing dragon
Needless to say, I had a really nice weekend and am ready to start week three!

Goodnight everyone :)

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