Sunday, July 24, 2016

Roomie weekend (belated)

Happy Sunday!

I never posted about last weekend, so I'm going to cover that now.  I had a full roomie weekend and it was awesome. 

On Sunday, Erin and I went to Magic Kingdom and did some of the things that neither of us had done before, or at least that we hadn't done recently.  Like riding the train around the park and Enchanted Tales with Belle.
Tiana told us that Louie stole some beignets
And Rapunzel talked about wanting a dress with pockets, which Erin and I thought would be great for Pascal hitching a ride
We also saw Mickey's Royal Friendship Faire, which was fantastic.  It's the new castle show, and the story is that Mickey and Minnie have invited some of their friends over for a celebration.  Characters from The Princess and the Frog, Tangled, and Frozen all came to visit and sing.  We got there early enough that we were right up front :)
The view while we were waiting. We both kind of had to pinch ourselves
Tiana and Naveen
Rapunzel and Flynn
After the park, we went over to Disney Springs for dinner.  I'd read about a vegan sausage sandwich that I was super excited to try, so we went and found the stand with that.  And found out that neither the pepper/onion mix nor the roll for the sandwich was vegan, so I passed.  We ended up at the Wolfgang Puck Express restaurant for dinner instead, and it was actually quite good.  We then of course found our way over to Erin McKenna's for dessert, and split a piece of chocolate raspberry teacake.
Nom nom nom
Disney Springs has a bunch of outdoor stage areas, including one right by the bakery.  Erin and I sat down there to eat our cake, and then watched two performers: first a sax player, and then a boy band.  They both did cover songs and it was a lot of fun.  We thought we were only going to stay for 20 minutes or so, but we ended up staying for both of their full sets.  
Photo with the lead singer of the boy band
After Disney Springs, we went to Jellyrolls.  It's a bar with two pianos, and the pianists sing and perform songs all night by request only.  There's no cover charge on Sundays for cast members, and there's also free popcorn.  We didn't stay for too long, but it was really fun to check out and the performers were excellent. 
On Monday, Erin, Liana and I (Haley had work) all went to Wekiwa Springs State Park.  Only ~30 minutes away, $6 to park for the day, and absolutely gorgeous.  We started off with a few hours of hiking and saw a whole bunch of animals: golden orb spiders, skinks, a fawn, a tortoise, cool birds, many anole lizards... It was also a different environment than I was familiar with, so it was fun to check out.
Partway through our hike it started to pour. It came down so hard and we got completely soaked.  It was also thundering and lightning, which was kind of scary but also cool.  We basically just became little kids in the rain, running down the path and jumping in puddles.  So it was awesome. 
Our poor shoes
The map was a little hard to read after the rain...
After lunch we went to the spring.  It's a natural, aquifer-fed freshwater spring.  And it was beautiful.  The feeling around the spring was kind of similar to a town pool, but without the chlorine.  You can also rent canoes, kayaks and paddle boards, which we didn't do this time but probably will at some point.

We were all pretty tired after the full day outside, so the car ride home was almost silent.  It was an excellent weekend with friends :)

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