Monday, July 25, 2016

Week four

Double posting this weekend. 

Finished with week four!  It's so hard for me to believe that I've already been working for a month, and that I've been down here for a month and a half.  It simultaneously feels like I just got here and like I've been here forever.  I'm so much more used to work now: I know DAK pretty well and I am more comfortable jumping into all of our badge locations.  Some fun stuff from this week:
  • Fun fact: scorpions fluoresce under UV light (Check it out!) No one knows why, but it is super cool to see.  This week we saw a scorpion glow during pre-shift (our meeting at the beginning of the day) and then we got a black light out with us at our insect badge location to show guests.  I was so happy.  Not all of the guests were quite as excited as I was, but for the ones who were it was awesome. During the period I was out there with the scorpion, I also had a reasonably lengthy conversation in French with two guests from French Polynesia about insects.  
  • Another cool language interaction: I had a kind of long conversation with a family from Argentina about the Wilderness Explorer program and animal rehabilitation.  That completely pushed the limits of my Spanish, but the family seemed really pleased that I was trying to help and answer their questions. 
  • I also heard Afrikaans spoken for the first time ever. 
  • On Saturday I got to take out an African bullfrog (Check it out too!) for park opening, which was so much fun. The African bullfrog is the second largest species of frog in the world: the males can grow up to 9 inches and weigh 2 pounds. People were so excited to see the frog and hear about it. Many people actually mistook my frog for a rock, so they looked inside the box I was holding and were really confused about why there were no animals. I was only out with it for an hour and I spoke to a huge number of people. 
  • Also on Saturday, I had an interesting time at our flamingo badge. The Wheel of Fortune crew was there filming for the show, so while I was at the badge location Pat Sajak and Vanna White were maybe 15 feet to my left. Tarzan was to my right (we share a covered location with him for his meet and greets). Tarzan also pointed out a hummingbird feeding on the flowers that are planted by there, so I got to see maybe the second or third hummingbird I've ever seen. I think I was most excited about the hummingbird to be honest. 
  • On Saturday evening, I had dinner with a friend from work and a friend we met in Germany at Epcot. It is so cool to me that I work in a place that employs people from all around the world, so I can meet them and get to know them. 
I only had a one day weekend, so even though it's Monday I was back at work today. Yesterday a few of us went to Universal again and I got to do some rides and experiences I hadn't done before. Like watching a wand choose the wizard at Ollivanders and walk through the lobby to go down the lift into Gringotts. I also did the Jurassic Park ride for the first time and the Spiderman ride for the first time in a long while. That one makes me think of my brother, so it's one of my favorites :)

Goblin at Gringotts
Hogsmeade is so pretty

Super excited for next weekend because my mom is coming to visit!  So four more days of work and then I'll see her :)

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