Saturday, July 2, 2016

First week

Happy birthday to Mom (today) and Dad (last Sunday)!  And Happy Fourth of July weekend everyone!

I have now finished my first full week of work. (My weekends are Sunday/Monday)

The most important thing I have learned about my job thus far is this: I love it.

Other relevant things:
  • I speak to a lot of people each day
  • I work at several locations throughout the day, so I get to talk about a bunch of different topics
  • Kids are adorable and really are excited to learn

  • From a big family that I'd seen twice in the same day: "Thank you so much for your even have our 2-year old interested"
  • From an explorer's grandfather: "Thank you for what you do"
  • From a young explorer after I gave him a badge: a hug. Which isn't that unusual, but his mom told me after that he hadn't wanted to hug anyone else that day :)
  • Have conversations at one of our badge locations in French and Spanish.  My Spanish was super broken, but I was able to get the message across. 

End of day two!
Bonus photo comes with a story for this post: There was a professional intern mixer on Thursday evening, which I went to. I asked one of the waiters there whether the vegetable dumplings were vegan and found out they weren't.  I was fine, and just got myself some pita and fruit.  About 10 minutes later, the waiter came out and found me with this plate of vegetables.  I was pretty amazed and so incredibly grateful.  I just got up and gave him a hug :)  It was my very own magical moment, and it made my night. 

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